Helps maintain the service with low commissions
Hello everyone, We want to express our sincere request to LatinMiners users: please, we kindly ask you not to use ad-blockers or browsers like Brave while using our services. At LatinMiners, we take pride in offering the lowest fees in the market, thanks to our philosophy of responsible mining. However, in order to maintain our services and make them sustainable, we are required to display advertisements to offset operational costs. Regrettably, the server is not profitable in part due to the ad-blockers we provide. We remind you of the importance of not blocking ads and interacting with them whenever possible. This will greatly help us continue to provide our high-quality services to the mining community. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for being part of the LatinMiners community.

Next Payout: 17:14 UTC in 52 minutes

Bitoreum (btrm-ltc)
Coin: Bitoreum
Blockhash: 827318d379d5f4e65a4de4d4d66ad36396bfbc039815238cce8cbbf84e706ea4
Confirmations: 62519
Height: 593435
Time: 2024-07-25 23:16:02 (1721949362)
Difficulty: 0.0047766703440748
Bits: 1e00d159
Nonce: 1835309
Version: 20000000
Size: 336 bytes
Previous Hash: f58a96cca619c4ab8704a9207e778b0de1379aacf5be997f8f2f0852fb0388e2
Next Hash: f65517606e0106f8cacc2a52bd947146fd0c248d5068f387a4b6748ebe24f66c
Merkle Root: 1e9ff0d0c8e3c2c9d88fb656baa8e4393644762af2d593c706f0c39de3366858
Transactions: 1

# Transaction Hash Size Value From To (amount)
11e9ff0d0c8e3c2c9d88fb656baa8e4393644762af2d593c706f0c39de33668582554980GenerationBk9fKv8n4nDdmiknEPY7Jf8rxMBPPFMy5q (996)
BanxgMPcMpXnuWQ2ogfQqEkwwVtjhAhXBR (249)
BiC3Gx3EziZBoTArJ6aV3e9BixhNF7EqUt (3735)

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